Enabled - Makes the Transaction Type available for use.
Name - Defines the name to be displayed in menus that require the selection of a Sales Transaction Type.
Menu Name - Defines the name which to be displayed in the Sales Manager - Transaction Menu list.
Short Name - Defines the Sales Transaction Type's name as it appears on some invoice and receipt forms.
Abbreviation - Defines the Sales Transaction Type's abbreviation as it appears in the alternate Data File filename.
Description - Defines the Sales Transaction Type's Description which is used strictly for reference.
Next Number From - Defines the Sales Transaction Type from which Sales Transaction Type's transaction numbers are controlled.
Data File - Defines the Transaction file to which to save the Sales Transaction Type's transactions.
Save Payments To This File - Defines the alternate Data File as the file to which to save Payments.
Directory - Defines an alternate folder location to store the alternate Data File.
GL Payment Posting - Defines the type of Accounting Link account to which payments will be posted.
Hot Key - Defines the letter used in combination with the [Ctrl] key to press to switch to the Sales Transaction Type.
Entry Parameters - Define the information to enter and how that information is entered on Sales Transactions.
Complete Sale Parameters - Defines the fields to display on the Complete Sales Screen and the default cursor navigation path.
Update Parameters - Defines the information to update or change when transactions are completed.
Save Parameters - Defines what happens to a transaction when it is completed.
Security Levels - Defines the Security Levels for Sales Transaction Types.
Sales Transaction Types
Configuration Manager Contents