Keystroke Point of Sale Help

Configuration Manager - Menus - Settings - Sales Transaction Types - Setup Screen - Abbreviation

The Abbreviation setting defines the Sales Transaction Type's abbreviation as it appears in the alternate Data File filename if an alternate Data file is selected for use in place of the default KSTR####.DAT Data File. When an alternate Data File is selected, the #### in the filename is replaced with the Abbreviation.

For example, if RNT is defined as the abbreviation for the Rental Transaction Type and an alternate Data File is selected, that filename is KSTRRNT.DAT.

To assign a Abbreviation to a Sales Transaction Type:

- Select Sales Transactions from the Configuration Manager's Settings menu.
- Select the Transaction Type from the Transaction Type list.
- Press [Enter].
- Select the Abbreviation setting on the Sales Transaction Types Setup Screen.
- Enter the Abbreviation. It is recommended to use an abbreviation that helps identifies the Transaction Type.

Length - 4 Character
Format - Alphanumeric
Must be valid for use in file names.


Sales Transaction Types Setup Screen

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