When a coupon code is entered on a sales transaction, Keystroke looks for a match for the coupon code's company prefix (digits two through six) in each line item's Product Code field.
If a coupon's company prefix does not match an item's Product Code but the Clerk wants to apply the coupon to the item:
- Enter the line item on the transaction.
- With the line item selected, press [F3] to display the Line Item Detail screen.
- Edit the Product Code field so that digits two through six match the coupon code's company prefix.
- Press [F10] to exit the Line Item Detail screen.
- Enter the coupon code as a line item on the sales transaction.
Note: Keystroke stores the coupon code (a UPC code that starts with the #5) in the Product Code field of the coupon's Line Item.
Coupons: What Keystroke Does
Coupons: Coupon Code Example
Coupons: Setting Them Up
Coupons: Inventory Items to which Coupons Apply
Coupons: Creating the Special Coupon Item
Coupons: Entering a Coupon on a Transaction
Coupons: Applying the Coupon
Coupons: Change Line Item Product Codes - Merge Same Item Settings
Coupons: UCC Standards and Guidelines
Line Item Entry Parameters
Sales Manager Contents