The Detail Box display option titled Item Qty Detail [PORDET3.DAT] displays the following detailed information about the line item and its quantities:
Line# - The item's position in the transaction item list.
Unit - The Order Unit.
Cost - The Average Cost.
QOH - The Quantity On Hand.
Mult - The Multiplier.
Price - The Base Price.
Alloctd - The Allocated Quantity.
Layaway - The Layaway Quantity.
OnOrder - The On Order Quantity.
The Extended Description is replaced by the Matrix Item Description for Matrix items.
If the item's Weight does not equal 0, W= followed by the Weight is displayed to the right of the Extended Description. If the item's Weight equals 0, the W= is not displayed.
To set the Detail Box display to Item Qty Detail:
- Select Parameters from the Purchase Manager Transaction Menu.
- Select Display.
- Select the desired Detail Box Display File Purchase Transaction Type button (Invoice, Order, Reserved).
- Select Setting Item Qty Detail [PORDET3.DAT].
- Press [Enter] or [F10].
Purchase Manager - Parameters - Display - Detail Box
Purchase Manager - Parameters - Display
Purchase Manager - Parameters
Purchase Manager Contents