Keystroke Point of Sale Help

Valid Entries List File Names - Inventory

Database Code - I

Product Code - LISTI002.DAT
Manufacturer - LISTI051.DAT
Description - LISTI004.DAT
Extended Desc - LISTI052.DAT
Class - LISTI040.DAT
Order Unit - LISTI031.DAT
Sale Unit - LISTI032.DAT
Weight - LISTI064.DAT

Note: This is a partial list of examples. To locate the correct file name for a particular Valid Entries List file, select the desired field on the database screen and press [Ins]. If there is no Valid Entries List file for that field, Keystroke displays the "A Valid Entries List could not be found for this field" screen on which the the correct Valid Entries List file name is displayed.


Valid Entries Lists for Database Fields - Contents

Using Valid Entries Lists

Creating A Valid Entries List

Valid Entries List File Format & Name

Edit Valid Entries List Screen File Menu

Edit Valid Entries List Screen Settings Menu

Database List Editor

Keystroke Help Table Of Contents