Keystroke Point of Sale Help

Sales Manager - Parameters - Line Item Entry - Max Returns Total

The Max Returns Total Line Item Entry Parameter (available only with Keystroke Advanced licenses) defines the Maximum Total amount allowed for returns. If set to anything other than 0.00 transactions with negative line items that have Amount Total that exceeds this amount are not saved, unless the Clerk has the security to Ignore Max Returns Total. It does not matter if the parameter is set to a positive or negative amount, both are compared the same. If a manager is needed but not available to complete the return, the transaction can be parked using the Quick Save function [Shift]+[F10] (which by default saves it as an On-Hold transaction).

To enable this parameter:
- Select Parameters from the Sales Manager Transaction Menu.
- Select Line Items.
- Select Max Returns Total.
- Enter the desired total amount.
- Select [OK] or press [F10] to save.


Line Item Entry Parameters

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