Keystroke Point of Sale Help

Reports and Labels - Add New Settings Screen

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To add a new Report or Label setting to the Saved Settings Screen:

- If adding a new Label setting, skip to the next step. If adding a new Report setting and the [Add New Settings] function has not yet been used, navigate to the Reports (Saved Settings) option under the Report Manager, Cue, Setup Menu and then skip to the next step.

- Select [Add New Settings]. If adding a new Label Setting, skip to the next step. If adding a new Report Setting, select the Type and Name of the Report, configure the report options, and then skip to the next step.

- The Name field is set to "New" by default and should be assigned a more descriptive Name by which to refer to the saved Report or Label setting in the future (to run/print or edit it).
- Optional - Assign the appropriate Security Level required to run the Report or Label (leave the default null characters setting to allow any security level).

Note: Enter a negative number in the Security field to allow only a Clerk with that Clerk Number to access the Report or Label (example: Security Level -5 would allow only Clerk# 5).

Note: A Clerk with sufficient Security to Access Report Manager / Label Manager can: run, edit, and save Report/Label settings, edit Report/Label settings, create Report Groups, and edit Report Groups.

- Optional - Assign the appropriate Register required to run the Reports/Labels to restrict the registers from which the Reports/Labels may be run.

Note: If a Register number other than 0 or the current Register number entered, the Report/Label is no longer be available to the current Register after it is saved, and any changes to the settings must be made using the designated Register.

- Select OK or press [F10] to save the report/label.


Report Manager Contents

Label Manager Contents

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