Keystroke Point of Sale Help

Database Manager - Customer Database - Main Screen - Number

The Class field is a 20 character, indexed, alphanumeric field and may be used to enter Customers on transactions and to sort Customers in Lookup Lists and on Reports.

The Class field is virtually identical to Customer Code. The only difference between these two fields is how they are used on standard Form Files and Reports. Mainly due to lack of space, Class in not included on many standard Form Files and some report formats.

The Class field may be used in a number of different ways.

Class is commonly used to define a type or group of Customers (and not uniquely identify a particular Customer), by containing the same value on multiple records. It can be used to represent groups such as club members, special interest Customers, and special discount eligible Customers (i.e. senior citizens) in order to provide the ability to look up and sort Customers by those codes.

The Class field may also contain a personal coding scheme for abbreviations, acronyms, or any other personal numbering or coding scheme as an alternate way of looking up and/or sorting Customers.

The Class may uniquely identify Customers, or the same Class may identify multiple Customers, and display them in the Which One? Lookup List from which the correct Customer may be identified by their Name.

Format: 20 alphanumeric characters.

Indexing: Indexed


Customer Database - Main Screen Fields

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