Keystroke Point of Sale Help

Configuration Manager - Menus Settings - Sales Transaction Types - Parameters - Entry - Displayed Cost

The Displayed Cost Entry Parameter defines the Cost field displayed when the Line Item display is set to Cost/Profit.

The default setting is Avg Cost (which is often labeled as Cost throughout Keystroke). Other choices include: Last Cost and Fixed Cost (which uses Cost if Fixed Cost is not set on an Inventory item).

Note: This parameter changes the Line Item display screen only, the transaction's cost is still based on the Avg Cost (Cost) field.

To select the Displayed Cost field for a Transaction Type:

- Select Sales Transactions from the Configuration Manager Settings menu.
- Select the Transaction Type from the Transaction Type list.
- Press [Enter].
- Select Entry Parameters on the Sales Transaction Type Setup Screen.
- On the Entry Parameter screen, select Displayed Cost.
- Select the cost field to be displayed from the list.
- Press [Enter] or [F10].


Sales Transaction Types

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