Keystroke Point of Sale Help

Configuration Manager - Printers - Driver Codes

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The Printer Codes screen contains the control codes that define how data should be printed. Printer control codes are mainly used for receipt printers to format text and to control the printer's paper cut mechanism to partially or fully cut the receipt paper. Most full-page printers use the Windows Driver and use the .WPD files.

Note: When editing Printer Codes for an existing Keystroke Printer Driver, change the Driver name using the the Driver field in order to prevent code changes from being overwritten when Keystroke is updated using the Setup.exe full installation file which overwrites existing Keystroke Printer Driver files.

Consult the printer programming documentation that came with the printer (or is available from the printer manufacturer) to locate the appropriate control codes.

Control codes may be entered in either of two formats:

ASCII - Base 10 (Decimal) system.
HEX - Base 16 (Hexadecimal) system.

Press [F9] to switch between Decimal and Hexadecimal formats.

Printer Codes screen fields:

Driver - The name of the Printer Driver. Change the driver name when editing an existing driver.
Width - The number of columns the Printer can print across a page.
Length - The number of lines the Printer can print on a page.
Form Feed - The code to send a form feed to the Printer
Line Feed - The code to send a line feed to the Printer
Single Line - The code to send a horizontal line to the Printer.
Double Line - The code to send a double line to the Printer.
Graphics Mode - Select the Graphics Mode (for printing barcodes only) that most closely matches the printer.
Setup String - Also referred to as a printer initialization string, these codes are sent to the printer to define default properties such as page orientation (e.g., portrait or landscape), number of lines per vertical inch, etc.
Formatting Codes - Codes to turn various printing styles ON and OFF.

Most of the Formatting Code names are self-explanatory. Printer manuals may use slightly different terminology. Use the [Tab] key or the mouse to enter and exit the Formatting Code List.

- Select a style and press [Enter].
- Enter the style control codes in the code entry screen.
- Separate each code on the same line with a comma (,).
- If the printer cannot print in one of the styles: Enter the codes for a similar style, or leave the field blank.


Creating and Customizing Printer Drivers

Print Buttons

Printer Configuration

Printer Network Path

Printer Ports

Printer Setup Screen

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