Keystroke Point of Sale Help

Sales Manager - Line Item Detail - AltID#

The Line Item Detail - AltID# field displays the AltID# from the item's Inventory database record.

Editing the AltID# on the Line Item Detail screen changes the AltID# for the current line item only. It does not change the AltID# field in the item's Inventory database record.

Note: If the Merge Same Items Line Item Entry Parameter is set to any of the ON options (Warn, Auto, Auto - No Beep) and a line item's AltID# is edited in the Line Item Detail screen, Keystroke does not merge newly added items with that line item unless their AltID#s are edited to match it. This allows for the sale of multiple units of the same Inventory item with different AltID#s on the same transaction without having to first disable Merge Same Items.


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