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Report/Label Editor - Field Flags - Looped Field

The Looped Field field flag (flag number 8192) loops through a series of items in the same field and prints each one on a separate line. It it most commonly used to list Payments on Transactions.

When the Looped Field flag is enabled, each payment is printed on a separate line.

For example, in this excerpt from a Sales Transaction report form (SPR=Sales Payment):

[SPR:Payment Name] (Flag 8192 = Looped Field)
[SPR:Date] (Flag 8192 = Looped Field)
[SPR:Amount] (Flag 8192 = Looped Field)
[SPR:Reference] (Flag 8192 = Looped Field)
[SPR:Auth Code] (Flag 8192 = Looped Field)

The output for a Transaction with multiple payments would look something like this:

Payment   Date   Amount   Reference   Auth
Cash   Mar11'03   500.00
Check   Mar11'03   250000.00   CDL#9999999999   1234
Visa   Mar11'03   20000.00   1234567890123456   4567
On Account   Mar11'03   230195.74   Floor manager OK'd amount

When the Looped Field flag is disabled, the payments do not print and the output from the preceding example would be blank.

The Looped Field field flag applies to Reports and not to Labels.


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