Keystroke Point of Sale Help

Macros - @ToggleFlag

The @ToggleFlag macro toggles a variable's value On, and when used again, toggle it OFF. Square brackets "[ ]" symbolize entries to be replaced.

Usage: @TOGGLEFLAG([Variable],[FlagValue])

The TouchScreenMode= command is used to toggle the TouchScreenMode.
Usage: @ToggleFlag(TouchScreenMode,1)

The Toolbars= command is used to toggle all Toolbars.
Usage: @ToggleFlag(ToolBars,1)

The ReturnMode= command is used to toggle the Return Mode (entering of negative quantities for return sales).
Usage: @ToggleFlag(ReturnMode,1)

The EditControlFlags= command is used to toggle:
Restrict Quick Load To Current Register Entry Parameter
Usage: ToggleFlag(EditControlFlags,1)
Restrict Trans Browse To Current Register Entry Parameter
Usage: @ToggleFlag(EditControlFlags,2)

The @Set and @ToggleFlag functions are used for special purposes. The @Set function changes a variable's value while the @ToggleFlag function allows a single bit within a variable to be changed. These don't do anything on their own. It is the change made to the Variable specified that really does the work. The Variables are predefined by the program and allow the macro to change internal settings directly. The variables that are available are displayed when the function is selected. The available values for the selected variable are displayed after the variable is selected.

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