The @SET macro changes a specified internal Keystroke variable to be equal to the specified value. It is used for many functions in Sales Manager. Square brackets "[ ]" symbolize entries to be replaced.
Usage: @SET [Variable]=[Value]
The TouchScreenMode= command is used to enable or disable the TouchScreenMode:
Usage: @SET TouchScreenMode=[ON/OFF]
ON = TouchScreenMode is enabled.
OFF = TouchScreenMode is disabled.
The Toolbars= command is used to enable or disable all Toolbars:
Usage: @SET Toolbars=[ON/OFF]
ON = Toobars are enabled.
OFF = Toobars are disabled.
The ScreenMode= command is used to change the Sales Transaction Screen Qty Entry mode:
Usage: @SET ScreenMode=[#]
0 = Quantity Only field is displayed.
1 = Quantity on Order / Quantity Shipped is displayed.
2 = Total Quantity Ordered / Total Quantity Shipped is displayed.
4 = List with Markdown is displayed.
5 = Cost and Profit is displayed.
The ItemEntryMode= command is used to change the Item Entry field.
Usage: @SET ItemEntryMode=[#]
1 = Description
2 = Product Code
3 = Stock Number
4 = Class
5 = Manufacturer
The TransactionType= command is used to change the current Sales Transaction Type.
Usage: @SET TransactionType=[#]
A = Type A (Invoice)
B = Type B (Layaway)
C = Type C (Sales Order)
D = Type D (Quote)
E = Type E (On Hold)
F = Type F (Rental)
G = Type G (Gift Registry)
H = Type H (Special Order)
I = Type I (Service Order)
J = Type J (Recurring Charge)
K = Type K (???)
L = Type L (Archives)
The ReturnMode= command sets the returns mode for entering Sales Transactions for returns.
Usage: @SET ReturnMode=[#]
1 = Sets all item quantities entered after the command is executed to negative.
2 = Sets all previously entered line item quantities to negative. After setting all quantities to negative, this command is cleared.
3 = Sets all line item quantities entered (past and future) to negative.
Note: Keystroke indicates that it is in ReturnMode by displaying "** RETURN MODE **" to the title bar of the transaction window. The ReturnMode value can be set using the @SET or @TOGGLEFLAG command.
The EditControlFlags= command is used to temporarily reverse a parameter's ON/OFF setting from its default (if ON, turn OFF / If OFF, turn ON).
Usage: @SET EditControlFlags=[#]
1 = This Register Only On Quick Load
2 = This Register Only On Transaction Browse
For these two settings, the most common use is to have the parameters turned ON by default, and to use a macro to temporarily turn them OFF to gain access to transactions on all registers.
Note: The changes to the values controlled by this command are temporary and are reset to their default values (as set on the Restrict Quick Load To Current Register Entry Parameter and Restrict Trans Browse To Current Register Entry Parameter) whenever the transaction screen is reset (new transaction).
The PriceTable= command is used to set the Price Table used on the current transaction.
Usage: @SET PriceTable=[#] - where # is the desired Price Table Code.
Note: The Clerk must meet the "Change Price Table" security level or the command is ignored.
The PriceCode= command is used to set the Price Code used on the current transaction, current line item.
Usage: @SET PriceCode=[#] - where # is the desired Price Code.
Note: The Clerk must meet the "Change Price Code" security level or the command is ignored.
The @Set and @ToggleFlag functions are used for special purposes. The @Set function changes a variable's value while the @ToggleFlag function allows a single bit within a variable to be changed. These don't do anything on their own. It is the change made to the Variable specified that really does the work. The Variables are predefined by the program and allow the macro to change internal settings directly. The variables that are available are displayed when the function is selected. The available values for the selected variable will be displayed after the variable is selected.