The Min. Mark-up setting is used to calculate a minimum price for an item.
It is typically a minimum Mark-up from Cost and is used to prevent a Price Formula from marking an item down below its Cost.
If the Null Character is displayed in the Min. Mark-up amount field, the minimum price is not calculated or used. Null is the default setting for Min. Mark-up.
Note: Use the Percent/Dollar button to toggle between Percentage and Dollar Amount.
The Min. Mark-up setting can be useful in Purchase Manager.
It may be configured so the Base Price of an item purchased can only be marked up (never marked down) automatically when the items are received.
For example, parts were previously ordered for $.50 and the Base Price was $1.00 (100% markup). More parts were then ordered at a discounted rate of $.25. With the Min. Mark-up set to 0% from Base Price, the Base Price is not changed/reduced to $.50 and is left at $1.00.
Price Tables - General Information
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