The Recalc Shipping When Editing Save Parameter is used to ensure shipping amounts are recalculated when transactions are edited and shipping is automatically calculated.
When enabled and editing a transaction, the shipping amount is recalculated as long as the shipping amount has not been manually changed and the transaction was never saved as a Transaction Type that had this parameter disabled.
When disabled, the shipping amount is not changed.
To enable the Recalc Shipping When Editing Parameter for a Transaction Type:
- Select Transaction Type from the Configuration Manager Settings menu.
- Select the Transaction Type from the list.
- Select Save Parameters on the Transaction Type setup screen.
- On the Save Parameters screen, select Recalc Shipping When Editing.
- Use the SpaceBar or the left mouse button to enable the setting.
- When enabled, it is marked with an X.
X = ON
blank = OFF
Switch ON and OFF using SpaceBar
Sales Transaction Types
Configuration Manager Contents