The Editable Tax Complete Sale Display Fields Parameter makes the Sales Tax field available for editing.
When enabled, the Sales Tax amount on the Complete Sale screen may be edited.
To edit the Sales Tax:
- Press [Alt]+[T] or use the [Tab] key to navigate to the Tax field.
- Enter the new tax amount as a dollar figure.
Note: This setting is not for everyday use and should be used only in special situations such as: for off-site sales when the Sales Transaction is entered in Keystroke later and the sales tax is calculated incorrectly for the time and place of the transaction.
Note: When enabled and the Tax Amount on the Sales Transaction has been edited, the Tax Table associated with the transaction can no longer control the Tax Amount even when an existing line item price is changed or line items are added or removed from the transaction.
Note: The following Sales Tax reports are then no longer accurate: Tax Table Detail, Tax District Detail, Tax Code Detail. A message regarding this inaccuracy appears at the bottom of these reports. If the Sales Tax amount on a transaction is edited, Keystroke no longer recalculates sales tax if prices are changed or if line items are added or removed.
When disabled, the Sales Tax amount on the Complete Sale screen may not be edited.
To enable display Editable Tax:
- Select Sales Transactions from the Configuration Manager Settings menu.
- Select the desired Transaction Type from the pop-up list.
- Select Complete Sale from the Parameters box on the Transaction Type setup screen.
- On the Complete Sale Parameters screen under Fields Displayed, select Editable Tax.
- Use the SpaceBar or the left mouse button to enable the setting.
- When enabled, it is marked with an X.
X = ON
blank = OFF
Switch ON and OFF using SpaceBar
Sales Transaction Types
Configuration Manager Contents