The Drawer Column displays the Starting Drawer Amount for each Sales Payment Type but is typically only used for Cash to represent the amount of cash left in the drawer (from the prior Closeout Period) available to make change when the Register opens again.
Note: Starting Drawer Amounts may be saved for up to 80 Sales Payment Types only. Starting Drawer Amounts for Payment Types beyond 80 are not saved. The Starting Drawer amounts are stored in the file REGISTER.DAT
Each Starting Drawer Amount equals the previous Closeout Period's Ending Drawer amount for each Payment Type.
To manually change a Starting Drawer Amount, press [Shift]+[Tab] to navigate to the Drawer column on the Closeout Main Screen.
To set the Starting Drawer Amount for future Closeout periods:
- Select the Closeout Settings Deposit button from the Configuration Manager, Tables, Sales Payments Types menu (typically only for the Cash Sales Payment type) and select the Keep Drawer option. Press [F10] or select the OK button to save.
- Enter the Closeout Module (Sales Manager, Special Menu, Closeout).
- To simplify the process, enter a date/time range that might contain no transactions or payments (i.e. 0:00 am to 1:00 am).
- Select Parameters from the Closeout Menu.
- Confirm the Don't Update Drawer parameter is disabled/off (no X).
- Press [F10] from the Closeout Main Screen to advance to the Closeout Deposit Screen.
- On the Closeout Deposit Screen, press [Tab] to navigate to the Drawer Column (far right), and enter the drawer amounts desired for the Starting Drawer amounts (normally only for the Cash Sales Payment Type).
- Press [F10] and select Save and Exit to save the Closeout and return to the Sales Manager.
- Re-enter the Closeout Module (Special Menu, Closeout).
- Select Parameters from the Closeout Menu.
- Enable the Don't Update Drawer parameter by clicking or pressing the [Spacebar] key (an X indicates Enabled status) and press [F10] to save.
Closeout - Contents