The Inventory Options Screen is displayed when the Inventory Button option is selected. The options available on the Inventory Screen may vary depending on the selected report.
Sort By - Sort the Report by one of the listed fields.
Detail - Controls the level of detail displayed in the report.
Print - Print all or individual records.
Range - Select a Range within the selected Sort By field.
Max # of Inventory Items - Restrict the number of Inventory records to be included.
Filter - Filters are used to select items for Reports.
Include Hidden Records - Include database records marked Hidden using the Hide/Show function.
Hidden Records Only - Used with Include Hidden Records to print only Hidden Records.
Don't Print If Empty - Exclude empty Sort/Group categories from the report.
Separate w/ Page Breaks - Print each record on a separate page.
Print Comments - Include the contents of the Comments field from the database record on the report.
Report Manager Contents