When the Width field is set to -1, the width of the field is extended from the column where it begins to the right-hand margin of the page.
For example, with the following fields:
Line: 1 [INV:Number] Width: 5
Line: 1 [INV:Code] Width: 20
Line: 1 [INV:Class] Width: 15
Line: 1 [INV:LongDescription] Width: -1
Line 1 for Inventory Item 361 looks like this:
361 QUES10000025PHIL5L SPECIALTY 5-point, left-hand Phillips screwdriv
Note that the Long Description is longer than the available space on the form, so the last part of the word screwdriver is cut off.
If the order of the fields is changed like this:
Line: 1 [INV:Number] Width: 5
Line: 1 [INV:LongDescription] Width: -1
Line: 1 [INV:Code] Width: 20
Line: 1 [INV:Class] Width: 15
Line 1 now looks like this:
361 5-point, left-hand Phillips screwdriver
Note that the Long Description has room to print completely now, and the two fields that follow it print on the next line.
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