Mapping Network Drive letters is a simple process as long as the correct hardware is in place. Contact an Authorized Keystroke
Point Of Sale Dealer for help with setting up a network and to determine if computers have the appropriate hardware for networking.
You can map a network drive by a) finding the shared folder, or b) by using the NET USE command at a Command Prompt.
Mapping a Network Drive using This PC:
- Open This PC.
- Locate the shared network folder (usually C:\ or C:\Keystroke) and right click on it.
- Select Map Network Drive.
- Select a drive letter (commonly used letters include K: or F:).
- Make sure to check Reconnect at Login.
- Click finish.
Mapping a Network Drive using the NET USE command:
- Open a Command Prompt
- Use the following command: NET USE K:\\ComputerName\SharedName
- Where K: is the letter you will be assigning (mapping).
- Where \\ComputerName is the name of the server computer where Keystroke is installed.
- Where \SharedName is the name you have assigned to the shared drive.
- An example might be: NET USE K:\\Server\C
- The example maps the shared C drive on the server as the K: drive from the workstation.
Note: Keystroke Software Maintenance Plans do not cover mapping of network drives or sharing of hardware. It is recommended to contact an Authorized Keystroke Point Of Sale Dealer for help.