Keystroke Point of Sale Help

Configuration Manager - Menus - Hardware - Cash Drawer - Monitor Drawer Status - Memory Location

Cash Drawer - Monitor Drawer Status - Memory Location - common settings for common Cash Drawers:

Drawer / Memory Location / Bit Mask / Match if Open / Test Code

CRT (Drwr#1:) / 278 (633) / 32 (Bit 5) / OFF / C

CRT (Drwr#2:) / 278 (633) / 128 (Bit 7) / OFF / ----------

IBM SureOne / ----------- / 128 (Bit 7) / ON / 5

Pioneer 3FE / (1022) / 128 (Bit 7) / ON / ----------

MS,MMF,APG,ICD/Com1 / 3FE (1022) / 64 (Bit 6) / ON / ----------

MS,MMF,APG,ICD/Com2 / 2FE (766) / 64 (Bit 6) / ON / ----------

CRS81, MMF w/Epson serial printer / ----------- / 1 / OFF / 29,114,50

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