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Keystroke Integration & E-Commerce Utilities

Below is list of popular Keystroke Advanced POS Integration and E-Commerce Extension Programs that are run from outside of the Keystroke software (as command line executable programs). These extension programs are available only with a Keystroke Advanced POS license. Each extension program is controlled by its own set of command line switches and/or settings stored in an INI file. Please call 800.359.3458 to learn more about each program's features and capabilities.


Copy data from one file to another file & add new text (FieldInfo) to the end of each record.


Pay Off all open items (except Credit Memos) on all customers.


Bike-alog Link.


Reset every customer's Oldest Open Invoice Date.


First step to read stored data from a portable barcode data collector into Keystroke.


Changes the name of a file to a name representing the current date.


Edit Valid Entries List Files.


Copy one or more Summary Data files to an ASCII Delimited file.


Prints Labels from the Sales Manager.


Reformats a number in a text file to have a fixed number of decimal points.


Reads entries in the Email Inbox of the specified MAPI server.


Run GL Link from the command line.


Run Importer from the command line.


Reads purchase transaction information from an inifile format and creates new purchase transactions from the information provided.


Reads sales transaction information from an inifile format and creates new sales transactions from the information provided.


Run the Export function found in Configuration-Files-Export.


Run a Report Cue from the command line.


Copy an delimited file to another file while rearranging the order of the fields.


Print a range of Sales Transactions.


Runs the Auto Produce function from Production.


Merge recurring invoice entries from the file KSTRN001.REC into the standard transaction data.


Post a message (with a file attachment) to the Email Outbox of the specified MAPI server.


Run Summarize History from the command line.


Copies data from one delimited file to another while adding a new text field to the end of each record. Can be used to add one or more fields to a file that may be required in order to import the information into another program. Can also be used in conjunction with MAPFILE.EXE.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Pays Off all open Invoices and Finance Charges (except Credit Memos) on all customers by creating, applying and saving ROA payments. The result is the same as using the Automatic Payments function in the Accounts Receivable with Pay Off set to All and Filter set to None. Since it will not process open credit memos, apply all credit memos before using ARPAYOFF.EXE.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Used to copy marked records (records are marked by pressing [Alt+A] or [Ctrl+Enter]) from the BOD (Bike-alog - www.Bike-alog.com ) database to a file called BOD.TXT which will be located in the Keystroke installation folder. The Keystroke Importer module can then be used to read these records into the Keystroke inventory database (either to update current items and/or add new ones).

Before running this utility, the BOD_HOME variable must be set to the location of the BOD files and the BOD Point of Sale Extension must be installed.

BODLINK will call the BOD EXPORT.EXE and will instruct it to use the KEYSTROK.TPL to determine what gets exported. The resulting BOD.TXT file will contain the following fields:

1) Item ID (required for updates - 6 digits long)

2) Sequence Number (12 digits long)

3) Department

4) Sub-Department

5) Retail Price (based on BOD markup tables)

6) Wholesale Price

7) Description

8) Extended Description (put in comment field, up to 400 characters)

All 8 fields do not need to be used and  one field can imported into more than one Keystroke field. The Item ID field must be imported into either the Keystroke Product Code, Class or Manufacturer field in order for BOD update feature to work correctly. Please refer to the Importer Help Screens and the file KEYSTROK\IMP.DOC for more details.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Reset every customer's Oldest Open Invoice Date to the current Date/Time. If being run from a Scheduled Task, it is recommended to use the "/NOP /NODISPLAY" startup switches to run without pausing and without loading the Graphical User Interface or Toolbars. Note that any errors will not be displayed.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Reads data from a data capture device through a serial port and stores it in the file COUNT.TXT (from where the data is typically imported into Variance, Sales Order, etc.)
DATACAPT [(Port:)[(Baud, Parity, Data Bits, Stop Bits, Buffer Size)]
DATACAPT COM1:2400,N,8,1,32767

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


DateName changes the name of a file to a file name representing the current date.

The syntax is:

Where FileName1 is the file to be renamed and Filename2 is the mask to name the file to. Note that the mask must be entered with an * in it where the * will be replaced with YYMMDD (e.g. if run on October 15, 2014, DATENAME KSTRN001.MRG *.MRG will rename the file KSTRN001.MRG to 141015.MRG). Note that a dash and a letter (-A, -B, -C, etc.) may also be added after the date if the filename already exists.  The file DATENAME.LST is created and contains the name of the file created. If being run from a Scheduled Task, it is recommended to use the "/NOP /NODISPLAY" startup switches to run without pausing and without loading the Graphical User Interface or Toolbars. Note that any errors will not be displayed.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


DBLISTS is a Windows utility that is used for editing the Valid Entries List Files that are available for each database field in Keystroke. Keystroke uses these lists (if they exist) to validate entries made into each field as well as to provide the clerk with the ability to look up an entry on the list by pressing [Ins] while in the database field.

The lists can be stored in Plain Text format where each line represents a value available for the field. The lists can also be stored in an XML based format or a special Binary format. The Plain Text and XML based formats can be edited with a standard text editor. This program can edit all three types of files including the Binary format (which has the same features as the XML format but is smaller and faster).

The XML and Binary formats support additional fields. These fields are: Value, Entry Code, Description, and Other Fields. When validating an entry, the program will check against both the Value and Entry Code fields.

The Value field is what will be placed in the database field when this entry is selected from the list.

The Entry Code field allows for a short code to be entered in the database field and the program will then replace it with its Value (e.g. A zip code file could have a line with Value of 90803 and Entry Code of 3. Entering just a 3 in the Zip Code field on the customer record and pressing [Enter] would cause the program to replace the 3 with the full zip code of 90803).

The Description is only used when selecting from the list and is just added instructions to help describe what each entry is for.

The Other Fields entry allows the selection from the current field's list to update other fields. (e.g. a zip code list could have an Other Fields entry to enter the City and State based on the selected zip code. So using the example from Entry Code, the 3 in Zip Code would not only cause 90803 to be put in the Zip Code field but would also put Long Beach in the City field and CA in the State field).

The program supports the /d data switch as well as the inifile= switch. The program also supports a few optional command line switches. These include:

DATABASE= : Character that is related to the database "I"=Inventory, "C"=Customer, "V"=Vendor, "X"=Matrix, "O"=Contact, "K"=Clerk, "D"=Department, "G"=Category, "L"=Location.

FIELD= : Field Number that is associated with the database field. A list of field numbers can be found in dblists.pdf.

FILENAME= : The file that will be opened by the program. This overrides the DATABASE= and FIELD= settings.

The inifile is in the standard inifile format and supports the following inifile settings:

TOP= : top position of your main form
LEFT= : left position of your main form
HEIGHT= : height of your grid form
WIDTH= : width of your grid form
FILETYPE= : default file type (BINARY OR XML)
VIEWTOP= : top position of your grid form
VIEWLEFT= : left position of your grid form

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Copies one or more Summary Data files to a delimited file format with the same names as the original file but with the extension .TXT.

Supports the switches FILE= and TAB=ON. The FILE= switch supports both a full path as well as wild card characters. If it is not used then the utility will export all the files that match DATA\SUMMARY\*.DAT. The TAB=ON parameter will create a Tab Delimited instead of a Quote/Comma Delimited file. The HIDDEN=0 parameter checks for hidden database records and does not export data for those records. The DELETED=0 parameter checks for deleted database records and does not export data for those records.

The first record of the file is a header containing the names of the fields. The second record is the Grand Totals for all the other records. Only records with information in them are written to the .TXT file.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Prints Labels from the Sales Manager. This utility enables the placement of information available only in the header section of a form to be placed within each line item (the body section).

It does this by reading in a text file which contains Token definitions in the header section and then replacing the Tokens found in the body section with the value of the token. The text file name must have the extension .FRM. The utility will search for any file with the extension .FRM and then read it in, replace the tokens, and then send it out to the printer.

A token is defined by placing a single character between two ampersands followed by the value of the token: /h4>

&C&Joe Smith

The above statement defines the token &C& to be the name Joe Smith. The header section must end with a line that starts with &&. In the body section, include the token where ever you want its value to appear.

Item purchase by: &C&

The above will cause the utility to replace &C& with Joe Smith.

The following switches are supported:

/R - Resident mode, will continuously loop searching and processing files with the .FRM extension.

/S - Stop, will pause before exiting.

/P - Printer output, the converted file will be sent to the device/filename following the /P.

/A - Append Mode - if /P is used to print to a file, /A can be used to add to the end of the file instead of overwriting it each time.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Reformats a number in a text file to have a fixed number of decimal points. It is intended to be used when printing forms out of the Keystroke program.

The text file name must have the extension .FRM. The utility will search for any file with the extension .FRM and then read it in, replace the Qty token with a reformatted number that has the specified number of decimal points, and then send it out to the printer.

A Qty Token is defined by placing the three characters "&Q#" (where # is replace by the number of decimal points) in front of the number and a single character "&" after it:

&Q2 1& will be changed to 1.00< /p>

&Q2 1.2& will be changed to 1.20

&Q2 99.999& will be changed to 100.00

Note that the token characters are thrown away. So when creating a form, don't count the spaces taken up by the &Q# or the last &.

The following switches are supported:

/R - Resident mode, will continuously loop searching and processing

files with the .FRM extension

/S - Stop, will pause before exiting.

/P - Printer output, the converted file will be sent to the device/filename following the / P.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Reads entries in the Email Inbox of the specified MAPI server. Entries that match the specified parameters will have their attachments saved to the specified path and will then be deleted.

This utility is designed to be used in e-Commerce applications as well as Multi-Store polling procedures.

The settings are controlled through the file GETMAIL.INI. The only command line switch supported is INIFILE= to use a different file than GETMAIL.INI.

The following INI file parameters are supported:

NoPause= - Batch mode, if on (1) then it will not stop to display any messages.

UserName= - Specify the name (or profile) of the MAPI Server to use (e.g UserName = Microsoft Outlook)

Password= - specify if needed for selected UserName

Subject= - A 'Starts With' filter - first characters of email's subject must match whats listed here (leave blank to match all) if AddSubjectToPath switch is on then characters in email's subject following match are used as subdirectory name when saving attachments. (e.g. to save files to STORE1\, STORE2\, etc.)

NoteText= - A 'Starts With' filter - first characters of email's message must match (leave blank to match all). Note: some email programs do not return correct text, in which case this must be left blank.

AddSubjectToPath= - if on (1) then characters on right side of subject line will be included in path to save attachments.

AttachmentPath= - Sub Directory to save attachments to (will be below Program Directory + Right hand characters of email's Subject line (if AddSubjectToPath is On). (e.g. AttachmentPath=HOLD\)

SaveTo= - Full FileName (including path) of where to save attachment to. If this is used then the AddSubjectToPath and AttachmentPath parameters will be ignored. (e.g. SaveTo=C:\KEYSTROK\ORDERS\NEWORDER.TXT)


If the file already exists that the attachment should be saved to, then that E-Mail message will be skipped. This leaves it in your In Box where it can be accessed again after the existing file is removed.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Creates journal entries in the specified file and format as configured in the Accounting Link-Setup-Link Parameters.

Supports the standard Keystroke command line switches. It also supports the following special switches:

/NOP : No Pause - Eliminates warning prompts.

Start= : Starting Date - put the date to mark the start of the linked period after this switch. (Start=4/10/94)

End= : Ending Date - put the date to mark the end of the linked period after this switch. (End=05/26/96)

StartTime= : Starting Time - put the time to mark the start of the linked period after this switch. (StartTime=05:30a)

EndTime= : Ending Time - put the time to mark the end of the linked period after this switch. (EndTime=18:15)

AutoRun= : Turn on/off the AutoRun feature (runs without user interaction and then exits). The default is ON. It can be turned off with AutoRun=0. Turning it off will cause the program to not run autormatically but to simply start in the Accounting Link module on the Enter Clerk screen.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Imports data from a specified file.

Supports the standard Keystroke command line switches as well as the following special switches:

SETUP= : The name of the Setup File (default is KSIMPORT.KSI). The file must be in the KEYSTROK\FORMS\ folder and have the .KSI extension.

METHOD= Import Type - Merge, Append, Replace (Only checks first character) (default is METHOD=MERGE)

DBNAME= Name of Database (Only first 3 characters are checked). (default is DBNAME=INVENTORY) Inventory - Import to inventory database (default) Customer - Import to customer database. Contacts - Import to contact database. Vendor - Import to Vendor database. Department - Import to Department database. Category - Import to Category database. Location - Import to Location database. Matrix items - Import to Matrix Item database. VCA = Vendor Catalog - Import a Vendor Catalog (note if this is used, VendorNum= switch must also be used).

Can also use DBCODE= to enter a single character code which is the HotKey on Import menu.

VENDORNUM= Vendor Number to import Vendor Catalog for. This will be the filename (in the Catalogs\ subdirectory) that the data will be imported into. (Required when importing a Vendor Catalog, and cannot be used with any other database.)

AutoRun= Turn on/off the AutoRun feature (program will run without user interaction and then exit). The default is ON. It can be turned off with AutoRun=0. Turning it off will cause the program to not run automatically but to simply start in the Importer module on the Enter Clerk screen.

Note: You cannot use the METHOD=Replace switch with the Department, Category, or Location databases. That's because the Replace function erases the current file and then imports into a new file. But since Departments, Categories and Locations share the same file, erasing one of the databases would also erase the other.

If being run from a Scheduled Task, it is recommended to use the "/NOP /NODISPLAY" startup switches to run without pausing and without loading the Graphical User Interface or Toolbars. Note that any errors will not be displayed.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Reads Purchase Transaction information (from an INI formatted file) and creates new Purchase Transactions from the information provided. Each transaction must start with the line **START TRANSACTION and end with **END TRANSACTION. Line Items are defined using **START LINE ITEM and **END LINE ITEM. Multiple transactions can be read from a single INI file.

Each piece of information will be preceded by the field's title followed by an equal sign. The titles are the same ones used by the Forms Editor but not all fields are supported. Use the form file IMPPOR.POR to see a complete list of fields supported and an example of how the file should look. Fields marked by "*** at the beginning of the line are supported but should be avoided when possible). Also see ORDERS.POR for a stripped down example. Note that the order of the fields does not matter in most cases. However, it does matter when identifying vendors and inventory items by fields other than the Vendor Number and Stock Number. If the number field is not imported, then the first indexed field used in the file will be used to look up the database record. Also, the field used to identify the vendor or inventory record should be the first field since when the record is looked up, all fields are updated based on that record. (i.e., If some of the fields from the transaction are read in and then the record is looked up, the transaction fields already read in will be replaced with the information from the database record).

Any setting made by the imported transaction will be retained whenever possible (e.g. Sales Tax amount, Transaction Number, etc.) Any information not included in the imported file will use default values (just as if a new transaction was being entered by hand).

The parameters used can be entered as command line switches or included in an INI file. (Command line switches will always override any parameters set by the INI file.) The name of the INIFILE can be set by using the INIFILE= command line switch.

Supports most of the standard Keystroke command line switches as well as the following special switches:

INIFILE= : Enter the name of the file which holds the parameters to run this program (instead of having to use the command line switches). (INIFILE=DATA\IMPPOR.INI)

FILENAME= : The name of the file to be imported. (REQUIRED)

DATE= : Date assigned to transactions if date is not imported.

TIME= : Time assigned to transactions if time is not imported.

CLERKNUM= : Clerknumber assigned to transaction if it's not imported.

NODISPLAY= : If NODISPLAY=ON then the program won't display its status as it imports the transactions. This will enable the program to run faster.

NOPAUSE= : If NOPAUSE=ON then program will not stop at screen that displays info about the file to be imported.

CONFIRM= : If CONFIRM=ON then program will display each transaction and allow you to select whether or not to import it.

ADDNEWVENDOR= ; [ON] If vendor is not found then a new one will be created

UPDATEVENDOR= ; [ON] Vendor fields will be updated if found (default=ON).

UPDATEBY= ; (N|D|V) If this switch is used then the program will first try to locate and update an existing transaction based on the Transction (N)umber (inludes letter), Transaction (D)ate, and/or (V)Vendor. If no match is found then a new transaction will be added.

ADDLINES= ; [OFF] If on then program will add line items to an existing transaction instead of replacing them. **Must also be using UPDATEBY= switch.

MERGELINES= ; [OFF] If on then program will merge multiple lines that contain the same item into one, (The line must NOT have a comment and Stocknumber / Description / Class / Price / Cost must be the same).

NONEXTNUMS= : [OFF] If on then does not update Next Number on transactions.

BUTTON= ; [0] If set to a valid print button then the program will immediately print the transaction using the form/printer specified by the print button. Valid numbers are 1 to 4 and it must have been set up in the Configuration Manager - Tables - Print Buttons function)



If the "RESERVED/ORDER" field is not used then the transaction will be a Purchase Order (or Reserved if Purchase Orders are disabled).

If a Clerk is not assigned (or set to 0) then the program will assign Clerk Number 1 to the transaction.

Clerks can be looked up by their Initials.

If vendor information is included, then the vendor record will be updated (or a new vendor will be created if the vendor is not found) with the information on the included fields. (Except when ADDNEWVENDOR= or UPDATEVENDOR= are turned OFF).

If Quantity Received for each line item is not specified then it will be set to 0 (creating open orders) no matter what the transaction type is.

When importing a Purchase Invoice, the program will not try to update the Order that the Invoice may have come from. For this reason, you should use Order/Reserved=Order and use Quantity Received= to update the Purchase Order.

If you import a Purchase Order with filled items, it will only remove items if the Delete Filled Orders parameter is used.

To exclude fields from being read from the file to be imported, simply put a comment character (e.g., ' or * or ;) in front of field name. This will allow you to include the information in the text file But ImpPor program will ignore it (since it won't recognize the field name).

UPDATEBY= As with updating vendors, the fields you are updating by should come first since reading in the matching transaction will throw away any information read up to that point. If updating by Date and Time, the TRANSACTION TIME field must precede the TRANSACTION DATE field. To import a transaction with todays date, include the TRANSACTION DATE= field but just leave it blank.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Reads Sales Transaction information (from an INI formatted file) and creates new Sales Transactions from the information provided. Each transaction must start with the line **START TRANSACTION and end with **END TRANSACTION. Line Items are defined using **START LINE ITEM and **END LINE ITEM. Multiple transactions can be read from a single INI file.

Each piece of information will be preceded by the field's title followed by an equal sign. The titles are the same ones used by the forms editor but not all fields are supported. Use the form file IMPTRN.NVC to see a complete list of fields supported and an example of how the file should look. (Fields marked by "*** are supported but should be avoided when possible). Also see ORDERS.NVC for a stripped down example. Note that the order of the fields does not matter in most cases. However, it does matter when identifying customers and inventory items by fields other than the customer number and stock number. If the number field is not imported, then the first indexed field used in the file will be used to look up the database record. Also, the field used to identify the customer/inventory record should be the first field since when the record is looked up, all fields are updated based on that record. (i.e., If some of the fields from the transaction are read in and then the record is looked up, the transaction fields already read in will be replaced with the information from the database record).

Any setting made by the imported transaction will be retained whenever possible (e.g. Sales Tax amount, Transaction Number, etc.) Any information not included in the imported file will use default values (just as if a new transaction was being entered by hand).

The parameters used can be entered as command line switches or included in an INI file. (Command line switch will always override any parameters set by the INI file.) The name of the INIFILE can be set by using the INIFILE= command line switch.

This program supports most of the standard Keystroke command line switches as well as the following special switches:

INIFILE= :  Enter the name of the file which holds the parameters to run this program (instead of having to use the command line switches). (INIFILE=DATA\IMPTRN.INI)

FILENAME= :  The name of the file to be imported. (REQUIRED)

DATE= :  Date assigned to transactions if date is not imported.

TIME= :  Time assigned to transactions if time is not imported.

CLERKNUM= :  Clerknumber assigned to transaction if it's not imported.

NODISPLAY= :  If NODISPLAY=ON then the program won't display its status as it imports the transactions. This will enable the program to run faster.

NOPAUSE= :  If NOPAUSE=ON then program will not stop at screen that displays info about the file to be imported.

CONFIRM= :  If CONFIRM=ON then program will display each transaction and allow you to select whether or not to import it.

ADDNEWCUST= :  [ON] If customer is not found then a new one will be created

UPDATECUST= :  [ON] Customer fields will be updated if found (default=ON).

UPDATEBY= :  (N|D|C) If this switch is used then the program will first try to locate and update an existing transaction based on the Transction (N)umber (includes letter), Transaction (D)ate, and/or (C)ustomer. If no match is found then a new transaction will be added.

ADDNEWTRANS= :  [ON] If On (which is the default) then the program will add a new transactions if a match is not found with UPDATEBY or if UPDATEBY is not used. If set to Off (ADDNEWTRANS=0) and UPDATEBY is used, then if no match is found, the transaction will not be added. Also if set to Off and UPDATEBY is not used, then none of the transactions will be added, but customers can still be added/updated through the UPDATECUST and ADDNEWCUST switches.

MERGETRANS= :  [OFF] (*Only works if UPDATEBY= is used). If on then the program will read in the original transaction so only changes need to be imported.

ADDLINES= :  [OFF] If on then the program will add line items to an existing transaction instead of replacing them. **Must also be using UPDATEBY= switch. **If On, then MERGETRANS= will automatically be turned on as well.

MERGELINES= :  [OFF] If on then program will merge multiple lines that contain the same item into one, (The line must NOT have a comment and Stocknumber/Description/Class/Price/Cost must be the same)

NONEXTNUMS= :  [OFF] If on then does not update Next Number on transactions.

BUTTON= :  [0] If set to a valid print button then the program will immediately print the transaction using the form/printer specified by the print button. Valid numbers are 1 to 4 and it must have been set up in the Configuration Manager - Tables - Print Buttons function)


TypeAbbrev= and TypeName= are used to specify the type of sales transaction being imported. (The TypeName= use the Short Name from the transaction types). The Layaway/Order= should not be used since it does not support all the transaction types.

If the TypeAbbrev or TypeName (or "Layaway/Order") field is not used then the transaction will be a Sales Order (or Layaway if Sales Orders are disabled). If the transaction is marked as an invoice (by using using TypeAbbrev=NVC or TypeName=Invoice or Layaway/Order is specified by a value of blank) then it will be saved as the Quick Save type if payments don't match total.

If a Clerk is not assigned (or set to 0) then the program will assign Clerk Number 1 to the transaction.

Clerks can be looked up by their Initials.

If customer information is included, then the customer record will be updated (or a new customer will be created if the customer is not found) with the information on the included fields. (Except when ADDNEWCUST= or UPDATECUST= are turned OFF).

If Quantity Shipped for each line item is not specified then it will be set to 0 (creating back orders) no matter what the transaction type is.

If Sales Tax is imported then the Manual Tax Flag will be marked on and sales tax will not be calculated. (This will cause the Tax Category and District reports to not be able to show full details of how the tax was calculalated).

To exclude fields from being read from the file to be imported, simply put a comment character (e.g., ' or * or ;) in front of field name. This will allow you to include the information in the text file but ImpTrn program will ignore it (since it won't recognize the field name).

UPDATEBY= As with updating customers, the fields you are updating by should come first since reading in the matching transaction will throw away any information read up to that point. If updating by Date and Time, the INVOICE TIME field must precede the INVOICE DATE field. To import a transaction with todays date, include the Invoice Date= field but just leave it blank.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Executes the Export function found in the Configuration Manager. (The record layout is described in the .HDR files located in the DOC\ subdirectory).

Supports all the standard Keystroke command line switches as well as the following special switches:

File= :  The name of the file to which the exported records are written.

File2= :  The name of the file to which line item detail for transaction record exports are written.

Type= :  A two character variable determined by the HotKeys (highlighted letters) for each type of data that can be exported using the standard Export function in the Configuration-Files-Export (e.g., Databases/Inventory, Sales Transactions/A-Sales Invoices).

Sort= :  The Sort number (the position of the Sort field on the Export Databases Field list) of the field by which to sort the exported records .

Filter= :  The Filter number (the position of the Filter field on the Export Filter list) followed by the Filter condition enclosed in quotes. Up to two filters are supported. Note: filters only work when exporting one of the databases (Inventory, Customer, etc.,) and are not supported on other data types (Transactions, Tables, etc.)

FilterJoin= :  Specify how to combine the the Filters when two Filters are used (AND, OR) (e.g. FilterJoin=AND if both filters must match).

Tab= :  ON or OFF (ON to select tab delimited output).

Start= :  When exporting transactions Start= defines the start date of Transactions to be exported (Start=10/15/14). When exporting databases Start= defines the start of the Range of records to be exported (the Range is based on the Sort setting). Start=90803 (a zip code).

End= :  When exporting transactions End= defines the end date of Transactions to be exported (End=10/31/14). When exporting databases End= defines the end of the Range of records to be exported (the Range is based on the Sort setting). End=92647 (a zip code). Ending Date - put the date to mark the end of the exported period after this switch. (End=05/26/00). When exporting databases, End=End of range of data (based on Sort setting). End=90999(a zip code).

StartTime= :  Defines the Starting Time on the Start Date (StartTime=05:30a) .

EndTime= :  Defines the Ending Time on the End Date (EndTime=18:15) .


Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Runs a Report Cue from Reports-Cue-Run-Report Groups    .

Supports most of the standard Keystroke command line switches as well as the following special switches:

CUE= : (same as CUENAME=)

CUENAME= : Name of Cue already set up in program. The Cue Name must be enclosed in double quotes and entered exactly as it is displayed in the Cues function of the Report Manager.

CUEID= : ID Number of the Report Group to be run. The CUEID= switch is prefered over the CUENAME= switch since Cue names do not have to be unique and because the name of a Report Group can easily be changed within the program. When using CUEID=, replace the # sign with the Report Group's ID Number as shown in the list boxes or when editing the group. The program will search for the Report Group first in the Shared file (KSRE.DAT) and then in the local file. Be aware that there is the potential to run the wrong group if you are trying to run a local group that has the same ID number (or Name) as one in the Shared file. You can force the program to only look in the local file by setting the CueID to a negative number (e.g CUEID=-12 will run group #12 from the local file).

START= : Follow with the starting date for the report. You can also use the special Midnight option (START=M) to start either last night (run after noon) or the night before (if run before noon).

END= : Follow with the ending date for the report. You can also use the special Midnight option (END=M) to end either tonight (run after noon) or last night (if run before noon).

Notes: STARTTIME= and ENDTIME= are also supported. If none of the END/START switches are used then the program will prompt for the date range to be used. To run a report for the current day, use START=" ".

AutoRun= : Turn on/off the AutoRun feature (program will run without user interaction and then exit). The default is ON. It can be turned off with AutoRun=0. Turning it off will cause the program to not run automatically but to simply start in the Report Manager module on the Enter Clerk screen.

To run a Report Cue from the command prompt use the following syntax.


If being run from a Scheduled Task, it is recommended to use the "/NOP /NODISPLAY" startup switches to run without pausing and without loading the Graphical User Interface or Toolbars. Note that any errors will not be displayed.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Copies a delimited file to another file while rearranging the order of the fields. The field order is determined by the specified Mapping File. The Mapping File is a simple text file with one number on each line. The line number is the field to copy to and the number on the line is the field to copy from. If no mapping file is specified, then the fields will be copied in the same order (the purpose of which is to simply change the delimiter type being used).

Field numbers in the Mapping File can be repeated or skipped. Putting the letter N after the field number will mark it as numeric. When using a Quote/Comma delimiter, these numeric fields will not be enclosed in quotes. A field number of 0 will copy whatever else is on the line to the file. If there isn't anything following the 0, then a blank field will be copied using the specified delimiter. If there is something, then that text will be copied without adding any additional delimiters (you must supply them with the specified text).

The syntax is:

MAPFILE FileName1 FileName2 [MapFile] [Delimiter=1]

FileName1 and FileName2 must be specified. (FileName2 will be overwritten if it already exists.) MapFile is optional. If not included then program will just copy FileName1 to FileName2 while possibly changing the field delimiter. (Note, without a MapFile, Quote/Comma delimited will treat all fields as text and therefore add quotes around numbers that were not enclosed in quotes in FileName1). Other parameters listed below may also be used.

Delimiter= supports the following:
1 = Quote/Comma delimited
2 = Tab delimited
3 = Comma delimited (use for Percon devices)

NoSpace= no space after the comma delimiter.

NoZero= Mapfile will throw out any record where the value of the specified field number is 0.

NoBlank= Mapfile will throw out any record where the specified field number is blank.



Will copy the data from EXPORT.TXT to PERCON.TXT using the field positions specified in PERCON.MAP. It will not copy any record that has 0 in field number 2.

PERCON.MAP might look like this:

0, "ea"

This would result in Field 1 being copied to Field 1, Field 2 to Field 2 (without quotes around it), Field 3 will be blank, Field 48 to Field 4, Field 5 will be a comma followed by a space followed by the letters ea surrounded by quotes, and another copy of Field 1 to Field 6.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Print Sales prints a range of Sales Transactions to the specified printer in the specified form format.

It is designed to be used for printing a batch of sales transactions after they have been entered into the system but not yet printed (e.g. after using RECMERGE to import a series of Recurring Invoices or after using IMPTRN to import new Sales Orders from an E-Commerce system).

The series to be printed is defined by the type of transaction (default is SalesInvoice) and the date/time range (default is last Midnight through the current Date/Time). Up to two filters (same selection as the Sales Transactions report) can also be used to further define the batch. The form/printer used is determined by the Print Button #1, unless a different  print button is specified.

The parameters used can be entered as command line switches or included in an INI file. (Command line switch will always override any parameters set by the INI file.) The name of the INIFILE can be set by using the INIFILE= command line switch.

The standard Keystroke command line switches are supported as well as the following special switches:

INIFILE= : The name of the file which holds the parameters (INIFILE=DATA\PRINTSAL.INI) .

TYPE= : Type of transaction to print (Either Short Name or Abbreviation)

START= : Starting Date (default=Today)

END= : Ending Date (default=Today)

STARTTIME= : Starting Time (default=Last Midnight)

ENDTIME= : Ending Time (default=Right Now)

BUTTON= : Number of Print Button to use (1,2,3,4)

FILTER= : The filter number (position of field on Sales Transactions report) followed by the condition which is enclosed in quotes. For example, FILTER=2">10440 AND <10449", would print those with a Transaction Number between 10440 and 10449. (Up to 2 filters can be entered).

FILTERJOIN= : Specify how to combine the two filters (AND, OR) (e.g. FILTERJOIN=AND if both filters must match).

NOPAUSE= : NOPAUSE=ON skips the screen that displays the selected parameters.

CONFIRM= : CONFIRM=ON displays each transaction and prompts to select whether or not to print it.

If being run from a Scheduled Task, it is recommended to use the "/NOP /NODISPLAY" startup switches to run without pausing and without loading the Graphical User Interface or Toolbars. Note that any errors will not be displayed.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Run the Auto Produce Function from Production. Supports most of the standard Keystroke command line switches as well as the following special switch:

AutoRun= : Turn on/off the AutoRun feature (to run without user interaction and then exit). The default is ON. Turn off with AutoRun=0. Turning it off simply navigates to Production and the Enter Clerk prompt.

The Auto Produce function is used to automatically produce all items which need to be produced based on the current Quantity On Hand and the Minimum Quantity levels.

When the Auto Produce function is selected, the program will immediately begin searching Templates for items that need to be produced. When a Template is located for an item with a total Quantity On Hand (plus On Order) which is less than the Minimum Quantity, a Production run will be automatically generated.

Items will only be automatically produced if the Auto Produce parameter is marked ON on the Production Template for that item. The Quantity To Make will be based on the Qty To Order on the inventory record and not the Quantity To Make on the Production Template. The costs will be automatically calculated and adjusted using the current average costs from the Inventory database.

This function will pre-evaluate items which are setup for reverse Productions (Case Break-Downs) in order to determine proper quantities to be produced. This is only applicable to chained item Productions (i.e.; case to 12-pack, 12-pack to 6-pack, 6-pack to singles).

If being run from a Scheduled Task, it is recommended to use the "/NOP /NODISPLAY" startup switches to run without pausing and without loading the Graphical User Interface or Toolbars. Note that any errors will not be displayed.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Merges recurring invoice entries from only the file KSTRN001.REC into the standard transaction data. It will date and number them as if they were entered manually. It is commonly used to bring in monthly club membership dues, It can also be used as Recovery Merge by using the /ADD switch to retain transaction numbers and dates. To get data from a different file, first copy that file to KSTRN001.REC.

Supports most of the standard Keystroke command line switches as well as the follow special switches.

/NOP : No Pause - Eliminates warning prompts.

/M : Merge Directory - put the name of the directory that contains the merge file after this switch. (/M C:\DATA).

/ADD : Do not update the date or transaction number.

/NOINV : No Inventory - do not update inventory.

/NOCUST : No Customer - do not update customer totals.

DATE= : Merge Date - put the merge date after this switch. (DATE=05/26/96). Set DATE=0 to keep original date.

TIME= : Merge Time - program will automatically assign a new time value to each transaction (and payment) as they are merged in. The times will start with the specified time and will then increment up approximately 9 seconds for each record. Use TIME=N to start with current time.

MERGE= : Used to merge one Transaction Type into another. MERGE="REC TO NVC".

If the /R - Register switch is used then the transactions will be assigned to the specified register number, otherwise they will keep their original register numbers.

If being run from a Scheduled Task, it is recommended to use the "/NOP /NODISPLAY" startup switches to run without pausing and without loading the Graphical User Interface or Toolbars. Note that any errors will not be displayed.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Posts a message (with a file attachment) to the Outbox of the specified MAPI server. Designed to be used in e-Commerce applications as well as in Multi-Store polling procedures.

The settings are controlled through the file SENDMAIL.INI. The only command line switch supported is INIFILE= (to use a different file than SENDMAIL.INI). The following INI file parameters are supported:

UserName= - The name (or profile) of the MAPI Server to use (e.g UserName = Microsoft Outlook)
Password= - If needed for selected UserName
SendTo= - Address to send e-mail to. If it is blank, the program will prompt you for an e-mail address. Multiple addresses can be used by separating them with a semicolon (";").
Subject= - Text to place on the subject line of the e-mail
NoteText= - Text to place in the body section of the e-mail
Attachment= - Name (including path) of file to attach to e-mail

Below is a practical example of how to setup and configure SENDMAIL.EXE to email Sales Transactions via a Print Button. Have your Microsoft Mail profile name and password available before continuing.

1. CONFIGURATION MANAGER - HARDWARE - PRINTERS - Press INS to create a new printer. Name the printer SENDMAIL, select Driver = PLAIN,  select Port = FILE, and enter a filename such as INVOICE.TXT. Remember this filename for use later in these steps. (Using a .TXT extension avoids formatting problems associated with using a .DOC extension.)

2. CONFIGURATION MANAGER - HARDWARE - PRINTERS - Press INS to create a new printer. Name the printer EMAIL, select Driver = PLAIN, select Port =  FILE, and enter the filename SENDMAIL.INI. In the RUN command line enter: SENDMAIL.EXE INIFILE=SENDMAIL.INI.

3. CONFIGURATION MANAGER - SETTINGS - FORM MESSAGES - Select Form Message line #30 and enter your Microsoft Mail profile name you noted above.

4. CONFIGURATION MANAGER - SETTINGS - FORM MESSAGES - Select Form Message line #31 and enter your Microsoft Mail profile password.

5. CONFIGURATION MANAGER - SETTINGS - FORM MESSAGES - Select Form Message line #32 and enter the text that will appear in the body of the email.

6. CONFIGURATION MANAGER - SETTINGS - FORM MESSAGES - Select Form Message line #33 and enter the filename that you selected in Step #1 above.

7. CONFIGURATION MANAGER - TABLES - PRINT BUTTONS - SM:SALES - Select ADD NEW BUTTON and name the new button SEND EMAIL. Select the FORM1 button, select FILE, and chose the Keystroke form file that you want to email (the form file controls the format of the file attachment to be sent with the email. To have the file attachment look the same as the printed invoice choose the same form file). Click the PRINTER button and select the printer named SENDMAIL. Select OK and then click on the FORM2 button, select FILE, and select the form file SENDMAIL.NVC. Click on the printer button and select the printer named EMAIL. Select OK and then OK again to save the settings for the print button named SEND EMAIL. Press F10 to save the changes to the Print Buttons windows. Go to Sales to test the SEND EMAIL print button.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Runs the Summarize History function by reading the current transaction history for the specified date range and writing the information to a file named 'dpyymmdd.DAT' where 'd' is I for Inventory, C for Customer or V for Vendor; 'p' is D for Daily, W for Weekly or M for Monthly; 'yymmdd' is the starting date for the period.

This information can then be viewed within Keystroke by pressing [Ctrl+F5].

If no period is specified then the program will create every period file for the specified date range. If a week or month ends within the date range then a file for that week/month will be created. If the Period= parameter is used, then only files for that type of period are created. If the Database= parameter is used, then only files for that database type will be created. If no date range is entered then the program will begin with the previous day and go backwards until it reaches a summary file that already exists or back 7 days for daily files, 5 weeks for weekly files and 1 year for monthly files.

Valid switches are:

/D : Directory - The name of the folder that contains the data files (/D C:\DATA)

/MoveOld : The program will move all Daily files over 7 days old, all Weekly files over 5 weeks old and all Monthly files over 12 months old to the OLD directory below the current Data directory (C:\KEYSTROK\DATA\OLD\ID000501.DAT). Use the Start= parameter to specify the starting date to count back from. If the Period= parameter is used than only files for that type of period file will be moved. If this switch is used then no files will be created.

Period= : Period code ((D)aily, (W)eekly, (M)onthly).

Database= : Database code ((I)nventory, (C)ustomer, (V)endor).

Start= : Starting Date - the starting date for the summarized period (Start=12/30/02 or Start=-2D to start 2 days ago).

End= : Ending Date - the ending date for the summarized period. End=M will cause the program to end at the closest midnight. (End=12/31/02 or End=-1W to end 1 week ago).

/Pause : Pause before creating each file to show the settings of each parameter.

If no parameters are entered (or any of the skipped) then following defaults will be used:

DATA Directory = DATA\

Period = Daily, Weekly, and Monthly

Database = Inventory, Customer, Vendor, and Clerk

Start = 0:00am on the last day without a summary file or 7 days back for daily, 5 weeks back for weekly and 1 year back for monthly files.

End = 11:59pm on the previous day

If being run from a Scheduled Task, it is recommended to use the "/NOP /NODISPLAY" startup switches to run without pausing and without loading the Graphical User Interface or Toolbars. Note that any errors will not be displayed.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software


Keystroke POS Point of Sale Software

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