The Keystroke Advanced POS system combines a user-friendly interface with exceptional speed and flexibility to provide a powerful, yet affordable automated management system. Keystroke excels in the areas of streamlined transaction entry and the ability to quickly locate information through robust search, lookup and reporting functions. The Keystroke TouchScreen Editor provides complete control of the design and management of the touch buttons.
The system includes many features typically found only in high-priced proprietary systems. Keystroke captures complete transaction details at the "Point Of Sale". Transaction history is stored indefinitely and database records are updated in real-time, so your valuable data is always immediately available!
Access to the system and your valuable data is protected by a multi-level security system with PCI Compliant passwords and a hidden audit trail capable of recording each and every keystroke if necessary.
The Keystroke base license includes: point of sale functions, purchasing, inventory control, customer tracking, accounts receivable, barcode label printing, extensive reporting capabilities, support for most POS-related hardware and sample data files.
A variety of Keystroke Extension Programs and integration/utility programs are available to add unique capabilities and to custom-fit the system to the needs of nearly any business.
Context sensitive help screens and 90 days of Gold Software Maintenance Service (with toll-free technical support) are included with all new base licenses.
A separate software license identified by a unique Keystroke POS Serial Number must be purchased for each separate business entity (store location) using the software regardless of the technology used to access the software. For licensing questions, please call SBS or consult with your local Authorized Keystroke Dealer.
Features Summary
Sales Manager - The Point of Sale - see details & screenshots
Enter sales easily and quickly using many sales entry options including: barcode scanning, touch screen buttons, sales scripts and color/size/style grids. Print receipts or invoices automatically based on sales payment type.
End-To-End (E2E) Encrypted & Tokenized Credit Card Processing - card number is encrypted within the readily available and affordable MagTek® IPAD® & IPAD® SC devices and can only be decrypted by the payment processor.
On-Screen Signature Capture - Use the computer screen and pointing device to capture a signature. Great for Mobile POS on a Tablet PC where the pointing device is a stylus.
TouchScreen Editor - completely customize the point of sale screen. Easily create and edit touch screen buttons, layouts & functionality.
Transaction QuickView - view the details of multiple sales transactions while scrolling through the transactions list, without leaving the list or discarding a transaction in progress.
Transaction Search - perform detailed searches across multiple transaction types, customers & inventory items. Use Transaction QuickView to see the results – all without leaving the sale in progress.
Configurable Sales Transaction Types - enable, disable, customize: Sales Invoices, Layaways, Sales Orders, Quotes, On-Holds, Rentals, Gift Registry, Special Orders, Repair Orders, Recurring Charges, & more.
Gratuity Payment Adjustments - handle customer gratuities with cash or credit card. Credit card payment amounts neatly adjusted prior to settlement.
Round Up for Charity - easily facilitate customers’ desire to contribute their coin change to a charitable cause. Simply touch or click a button before tendering to round up the amount.
Keystroke Sales Scripts - Customize entry procedures for sales (including on-screen prompts to enter data, tag-along items (automatic or prompted), component items ("kitting"), and suggested alternate items when out of stock).
Non-Sale Line Items (Hash Department) - designate items such as lottery tickets to be excluded from normal sales totals on register closeouts and reports.
Keystroke Sales Matrix - sell inventory using color/size grids (up to four configurable dimensions such as color/style/length/inseam).
KeyMail - Keystroke's internal SMTP engine emails sales receipts and invoices to customers. Supports HTML, plain text, and file attachments.
Vendor Catalogs - quickly import Inventory items from available Vendor Catalog files into Keystroke.
Picture Viewer - view pictures or documentation of inventory items, customers (or any database record). Supports JPG, GIF, BMP, and PDF files.
Age verification with expired ID alert via driver's license swipe and 2D barcode scan (for alcohol and tobacco sales).
Fast item entry via barcode scanning or manual entry, plus easy Quick Search lookup feature, and more.
Cash Drawer Reconciliation with History.
Real-time inventory quantities.
On-the-fly access to Inventory, Customer, Contact, Vendor and Clerk databases.
Accounting Link - data interfaces for popular accounting systems.
Database Manager - see details & screenshots
Set up and maintain information records in each of the main databases: Inventory, Customers, Contacts, Vendors, Clerks, Departments, Categories and Locations.
Over 1,000,000 records per database.
Number of Inventory Database records virtually unlimited when using the Sales Matrix.
Quickly copy Inventory items from Vendor Catalogs while creating Purchase Orders. If an Inventory item is not found, Keystroke will check the available Vendor's Catalog files for the item and if it is found, will copy the Inventory item’s record from the Vendor Catalog file to the current Inventory file.
Fast, Stable and Trouble-Free Data Structure.
Picture Viewer allows graphic images or PDF files to be displayed for any database record which has a file attributed to it.
Query/Edit Access Throughout Program.
Multiple Indexed Lookup Fields per Database.
Search & Replace, Search & Delete, Search & Update Price.
Hide/Show function marks records as inactive (without deleting the data).
Quick Search (multi-character search on indexed fields, not just by first letter).
Valid Entries Lists (a list of entries which the program will accept in the field to which the list is attached) can be created for virtually all database fields to improve data entry speed and consistency. While these user-definable lookup lists can be used in nearly any database field (e.g., Inventory Manufacturer, Customer Class, Salutation, Title), the most common use is for City, State and Zip Code on Customer, Contact and Vendor records. For example; the Valid Entries List can automatically populate the City, State, and Zip fields based on the entry of a valid Zip Code. Unique Entry Codes can be used for even quicker entry (e.g., “1” might represent Huntington Beach, CA 92647), or you can select from a list of Valid Entries for the field.
Attach Comments to each Database Record.
Audit Trail on Additions, Changes, Hides, Deletions.
Export to Other Software.
Import from Other Software (using the Data Importer).
Purchase Orders / Inventory Receiving - see details & screenshots
Quickly enter purchase orders and receive inventory into stock. Special automated functions are available to expedite the entire purchasing and receiving process. Inventory quantities, cost and price figures, and purchase-related dates are immediately updated when items are received.
Automatically generate suggested purchase orders based on pre-set, user-definable minimum quantities and current quantities on hand.
KeyMail - Keystroke's internal SMTP engine emails PO's directly to vendors. Supports HTML, plain text, and file attachments.
MultiStore Purchase Orders (a single MultiStore PO automatically generates store PO's using each location's unique re-order quantities).
Vendor Catalogs - if an Inventory item is not found, Keystroke will check the available Vendor's Catalog files for the item and if it is found, will prompt to "Copy from Vendor Catalog?".
Purchasing Scripts - previously available only on sales, Keystroke’s exclusive Sales Scripts are now available in Purchase Manager.
Stores up to four vendors per item for cost comparison, last purchased date and vendor-specific item codes.
Item Expected (to be received) Date, Item Average Lead Time (average number of days between when item ordered and when item received).
Automatically update selling prices while receiving inventory.
Easily print price tags based on quantity of items received or ordered..
Label Printing - see details & screenshots
Print price tags, shelf/box tags, mailing labels, and shipping labels. Print mailing and shipping labels for all or individual Customers, Contacts and Vendors.
Most common retail barcode formats can be printed on price tags.
Print price tags for individual inventory items, groups of inventory items, or all inventory items.
Print price tags for individual inventory items with barcoded serial number.
Print price tags for any or all items on any purchase transaction or sales transaction.
Print price tags only for items with price changes (including items on sale).
Print box tags (a single price tag for boxed or bulk items which are not individually tagged).
Reporting / Data Analysis - see details & screenshots
Generate reports pertaining to all aspects of the business providing valuable insight into day-to-day business activity. Keystroke POS's continuous collection of accurate and detailed information at the time transactions take place enables the Keystroke reports to provide extensive data analysis that might otherwise have been overlooked.
Dozens of comprehensive detailed report options.
Report Editor to modify report layouts.
Real-time data with unlimited transaction history.
Date/Time ranges, multiple Filters, and multiple levels of detail.
Print reports to screen, printer or export file (including delimited text and MS Excel).
Accounts Receivable - see details & screenshots
Accounts Receivable manages the credit accounts of customers who are allowed to buy on terms including generating finance charges per billing period (typically monthly), entering payments received on accounts (ROA Payments), monitoring the status of credit accounts, and printing billing statements.
Fast ROA payment entry with easy access to payment history and invoice details.
Flexible billing statement formats with optional line item details.
Balance forward or open item mode.
Finance charges and modifiable aging periods.
KeyMail - Keystroke's internal SMTP engine emails statements to customers. Supports HTML, plain text, and file attachments.
The "Disable Credit Payments (AR Module)" Global Parameter can be enabled in order to hide all features related to Accounts Receivable.
Hardware Control, Extensive Security, And Auditing Capabilities - see details & screenshots
The Configuration Manager sets up most of the information about how the Keystroke system will work. It controls the printers and other peripheral hardware devices are being used and defines optional parameter settings that control how the program will function. Important data file management functions are available to organize and safeguard valuable data files.
Control access and usage of hundreds of program functions and areas of the Keystroke POS system.
Assign different security levels for each Definable Transaction Type.
Audit nearly every function used or key pressed.
Keystroke Extensions *
Digital Sign Controller - Display real-time POS transaction data & multi-media advertising to customers at checkout.
Accounting Link - interface to the general ledger module of third-party accounting systems.
Data Importer - import Inventory, Customer, Vendor, etc., database records from delimited file formats.
Production Manager - item kitting and assembly (i.e., gift baskets).
Contract Pricing - sets by-customer pricing to specific contracted prices.
Multistore - multiple store location data management & consolidation.
* Keystroke Extensions are specialized optional add-on features for the Keystroke base license, are not stand-alone products, & require the Keystroke base license for operation.
Utility Pop-Up Functions (accessible throughout the program)
Calculators - Standard, Adding Machine, Price, In-Line & Dimension
Database Query
Paid Out (No Sale)
DOS Shell (DOS prompt command line)
Time Clock
Clerk Messages (internal messaging system)
Change Clerk
Change Password
On-screen indexed, searchable, context-sensitive Help
Other Features and Utilities
Numerous Data File Management Utilities
Data File Backup Tools
Dozens of Selectable Print Formats for Invoices & Other Forms (also customizable through an Authorized Dealer)
Data Exporting for Transfer to Other Software
Automated Report Generation from Scheduler
Summarize Historical Sales Data
Import Data from Internet Web Page
Recurring Invoices
Image Viewer
Inventory Variance (physical counts)
Portable Data Collector Interfaces
EDI / E-commerce Utilities
Bike-a-log Link
and Much More!
Keystroke POS can be used with most point of sale peripheral hardware devices
Touch Screens
Digital Signage Displays
Windows OS Tablets
Biometric Readers
2D Barcode Scanners (to obtain birthdate from drivers licenses for Age Verification)
Digital Video Surveillance Systems with Text Overlay
Line Buster Handheld Terminals
Portable Data Collectors
End-to-end (E2E) encrypted payment devices (Magtek IPAD & IPAD SC)
Magnetic Stripe Readers (credit cards & drivers licenses)
PIN pads
Signature Capture Devices
Micr Check Readers
Electronic Cash Drawers
High Speed Receipt Printers
Invoice Printers
Barcode Label Printers
Customer Pole Displays
Electronic Scales (State of CA Division of Measurements Standards Certificate of Approval #5414-04)
Deli Scales / Printers
Change Dispensers
Barcode Scanners
Programmable Keyboards
and more
Quick Start Guide
The Keystroke POS Quick Start Guide is a great tool for new users (currently being re-written and should be available for download soon).
The FREE Evaluation Software
The FREE Evaluation Software is available for anyone wishing to review, test or demonstrate the capabilities of Keystroke Advanced POS before buying.
All features of the Keystroke Advanced POS base license are fully operational; however, it is limited in the number of transactions it can save (about 100 sales invoices, purchase orders, etc.) and the Keystroke Extensions are limited in various ways. The included sample data files may be used or unique user-generated data may be entered (Inventory, Customers, Vendors, etc.).
When it is determined that Keystroke Advanced POS is the right system for the business, any data already entered in the Evaluation software can be retained upon the purchase of a licensed base system. With the assistance of a local Authorized Keystroke Dealer, the licensed system can be installed in just a few minutes (excluding networking, peripheral hardware, and advanced configuration options) right over the Evaluation software.
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