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Database Management

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Inventory Database:

With four screens of data fields per item and the Picture Viewer to display an item's picture or PDF, the Keystroke Inventory database offers the ultimate in inventory control capabilities.

Click on images below for larger Inventory screenshots.

Click To View Keystroke Inventory Main Screen

Click To View Keystroke Inventory Order Data Screen

Click To View Keystroke Inventory More Data Screen

Click To View Keystroke Inventory Custom Data Screen

Click To View Keystroke PictureViewer Screenshot

Click on images above for larger Inventory screenshots.

For most retailers, keeping a tight handle on inventory is the key to success. Keystroke will help store owners accurately track over 1,000,000 different items. All information is accurate up-to-the-second allowing for movement monitoring and the current status checking of inventory with maximum efficiency.

Using fast and flexible look-up functions, or optional bar code scanning, easily check prices and stock levels without ever leaving the front counter. Keystroke will put store owners back in control, helping optimize inventory and reduce theft.

Additional information about an Inventory item can also be accessed by pressing the special hotkeys displayed in the lower border of the Inventory record.

Some of the more recently added Inventory database fields include: Location, Sale Quantity, Last Counted Date, Last Printed Date, Last Price Change Date, First Purchased Date, Last Purchased Date, Average Lead Time, Expected Date, Weight, Rental, No Discount, Date Created, Last Edit Date and an assortment of User Defined Fields.

Inventory Control

Instant item entry and lookup via six indexed fields. Plus, alternate codes per item (same item with different packaging).
- Stock Number (integer, system-assigned).
- Alternate ID Number (20 numbers, plus 4 numbers after the decimal).
- Product Code (20 alphanumeric characters).
- Description (32 alphanumeric characters).
- Class (16 alphanumeric characters).
- Manufacturer (20 alphanumeric characters).

Real-time integration with sales, purchasing and physical variance (inventory count) function.

Real-time cost/quantity updates.

Seven pre-set price levels per item, variable pricing/discounting (by customer group/type), minimum purchase quantity, pre-scheduled promo dates, price rounding, unique pricing per customer (see Contract Pricing Extension).

Fixed quantity price break settings by item (e.g. 3 for $1.00).

Mix & match any items (X items for $Y total).

Average and last costs. Track purchases from up to four vendors per item with costs, part numbers and last purchase dates.

Vendor Catalogs - Quickly copy Inventory items from Vendor Catalogs while creating Purchase Orders. If an Inventory item is not found, Keystroke will check the available Vendor's Catalog files for the item and if it is found, will prompt to "Copy from Vendor Catalog?".

Search & view an item's purchase history, by customer & invoice number, while ringing up a sale.

Summarize History function for pop-up of daily/weekly/monthly summary sales and purchase totals per item.

The Summarize History function is used to generate summary sales / purchase totals for inventory items, customer, vendors, and/or clerks. Once Summary data has been generated, you have the ability to instantly access daily, weekly and/or monthly sales and purchase history information from anywhere within the program.

Picture Viewer for viewing pictures or PDF's of inventory items (also supports viewing pictures of customers).

Non-sale line items (Hash Department).

Grouping by Department, Category and Location.

Designations for service items, rental items, payment type eligibility (EBT, foodstamps), website item, non-discountable items, scale items, commission items, price tag printing, can't be cleared from sale, no fractional sales quantities, hidden item and more.

Consignment item tracking capability.

Lot/Batch tracking.

Serial number tracking.

Automatic case breakdowns (automate restocking of selling units for items purchased, but not necessarily sold, in bulk).

Four dimension size/color/style matrix.

Data Importer - import Inventory items (and Departments, Categories, Locations, Customers, Contacts, Vendors and Matrix Items).

Inventory Variance Function:

The Keystroke Inventory Variance helps identify items and/or physical areas in a store that are problematic so measures can be taken to correct any problems. It is a special function for reconciling and adjusting stock levels while permanently recording item and date/time of adjustment details.

The Inventory Variance function is used to adjust the quantity on hand (QOH) of items in the store's inventory database, and at the same time record any difference between the actual physical quantities and the current inventory levels reported by the system. The Variance function can be used to record store-wide or departmental physical inventory counts, and it can also be used to record QOH adjustments on individual items as they are discovered.

For a variety of reasons (e.g., human error and theft), most businesses that maintain any type of inventory have to deal with some degree of inventory variance or "shrinkage". The Keystroke Inventory Variance function will help store owners deal with shrinkage by providing a means of accurately identifying items that are missing (or are extra). Such missing inventory items are recorded as Variance "transactions" (similar to Sales Invoices and Purchase Orders). Variance transactions may be saved, edited, and deleted just like other transactions.

Record physical inventory counts (Store-wide or by Class, Department, Manufacturer, etc.).

Identify shrinkage problems.

Report on posted or current (unposted) Variance transactions.

Enter items manually, by scanning barcodes, or by using the Auto Fill function.

Import item count files from hand-held portable data capture devices.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software

Customer Database:

As with all databases, Customer records can be edited or added on-the-fly from anywhere within the program.

Click on images below for larger Customer screenshots.

Click To View Keystroke Customer Main Screen

Click To View Keystroke Customer More Data Screen

Click To View Keystroke Customer Custom Data Screen

Click on images above for larger Customer screenshots.

Keystroke makes it easy to realize the benefits of knowing who the store's customers are by monitoring who is shopping and what they are buying by maintaining a complete Customer Database right at the front counter.

Each sales transaction has the ability to capture a new Customer, select a previous Customer, or not record a Customer at all. This information can then be used to track the sales tax rates and pricing levels for individual Customers as well as help with loyalty, rewards, direct mail advertising and overall better customer service.

In addition to the ability to select a Customer, a Customer Contact can also selected from the Contact Database (see next section below).

Customer Tracking

Instant Customer entry and lookup via nine indexed fields.
- Customer Number (integer, system-assigned).
- Code (20 alphanumeric characters).
- Class (20 alphanumeric characters).
- WebID (52 alphanumeric characters).
- CompanyName (40 alphanumeric characters).
- LastName (20 alphanumeric characters).
- LookupName (40 alphanumeric characters).
- Phone (24 alphanumeric characters).
- Zip Code (16 alphanumeric characters).

Access complete transaction history virtually forever - no data purging required.

Search & view customer's prior transactions while ringing up their current sale.

Email sales receipts, invoices, and even statements to customers with Keystroke's internal KeyMail SMTP engine. Supports HTML, plain text, and file attachments.

Multiple Contact records (see Contact Database section below) per customer.

Picture Viewer for viewing pictures of customers.

Track sales by customer's family member, employee, vehicle, job site, etc.

Contract Pricing to offer unique pricing by item per customer.

Comprehensive pricing and sales tax schedules.

Print labels and import/export for direct marketing.

Separate billing and shipping addresses.

Pop-up daily/weekly/monthly summary sales totals per customer.

Security level to restrict which clerks can sell to the customer.

Many other fields (Salutation, Birthday, Age, Exp Date, Salesperson, assorted User-Defined fields, etc.).

A special Note field can be automatically displayed when the customer is selected on a sale. Keystroke will sound a beep and display the contents of the note which can serve as warning message (i.e., Bad Checks!, See Manager!, etc.).

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software

Contact Database:

Multiple Contact records can be attached to each Customer record.

Click on images below for larger Contact screenshots.

Click To View Keystroke Contact Main Screen

Click To View Keystroke Contact More Data Screen

Click To View Keystroke Contact Custom Data Screen

Click on images above for larger Contact  screenshots.

A default Contact for each Customer can be used to store data such as a primary Shipping Address, Country, and Email address. Data fields containing dashes (null values) use the field values from the Customer record to which the Contact is linked. Contact records can be used for multiple “Ship-To” addresses per Customer, or to track sales by family member, employee, vehicle, job, etc. Various supplemental data fields are also available on the Contact record. A single Accounts Receivable statement includes all the Customer's Contacts activity.

Managing Contacts

Instant Contact entry and lookup via nine indexed fields.
- Client Number (integer, system-assigned).
- ID (16 alphanumeric characters).
- Code (20 alphanumeric characters).
- Class (20 alphanumeric characters).
- WebID (52 alphanumeric characters).
- Name (40 alphanumeric characters).
- LookUpName (40 alphanumeric characters).
- Phone (24 alphanumeric characters).
- Zip (16 alphanumeric characters).

Multiple Contact records per Customer database record.

Customer Number field identifies the customer record to which the Contact is attached.

Price Tables (customer-specific pricing).

Tax Tables for variable sales tax districts.

Email address field (48 alphanumeric characters).

Various other fields (Phone, Fax, Birthday, Age, Exp Date, Salesperson, assorted User-Defined fields, etc.).

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software

Vendor Database:

The Vendor database screens are similar to the Customer database screens.

Click on images below for larger Vendor screenshots.

Click To View Keystroke Vendor Main Screen

Click To View Keystroke Vendor More Data Screen

Click To View Keystroke Vendor Custom Data Screen

Click on images above for larger Vendor screenshots.

Working with Vendors

Instant Vendor entry and lookup via eight indexed fields.
- Vendor Number (integer, system-assigned).
- Code (20 alphanumeric characters).
- Class (20 alphanumeric characters).
- CompanyName (40 alphanumeric characters).
- RepLastName (20 alphanumeric characters).
- LookUpName (40 alphanumeric characters).
- Phone (24 alphanumeric characters).
- Zip (16 alphanumeric characters).

Email purchase orders directly to vendors using Keystroke's internal KeyMail SMTP engine. Supports HTML, plain text, and file attachments.

Separate Mailing and Shipping Addresses.

Various Other Fields (Customer Number, Terms, Tax Number, assorted User-Defined fields, etc.).

Automatic suggested re-ordering from Vendors.

No Open Orders setting to prevent Vendor open orders for items not received on incomplete purchase orders.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software

Clerk Database:

Since security can be a concern for for many stores, all Clerks should be assigned a strong password and an appropriate security level.

Click on images below for larger Clerk screenshots.

Click To View Keystroke Clerk Main Screens

Click To View Keystroke Clerk Custom Data Screen

Click on images above for larger Clerk screenshots.

Employee / Clerk Management

Quick Clerk login and lookup via three indexed fields.
- Clerk Number (integer, system-assigned).
- LastName (20 alphanumeric characters).
- LookUpName (40 alphanumeric characters).

PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry - Data Security Standard) compliant passwords, Auto Logout time limit, max password attempts, & audit trail.
- up to 20 alphanumeric characters - encrypted for added security & PCI compliance.

Ability to control password:
- minimum length.
- automatic expiration (good for "x" number of days).
- maximum number of entry attempts.
- minimum number of letters.
- minimum number of numbers.
- minimum number of symbols.

Security Level (limits use/access to system features and select data).

Clerk and Salesperson recorded on every transaction, with complete Audit trail.

Assign default Salesperson to Customer.

Assign Salesperson to line items on sales transactions (for commissions).

Easy to use built-in time clock with printouts.

Powerful and flexible Sales Commission reporting.

Pop-Up Daily/Weekly/Monthly Sales Totals and Average Sale Amount per Clerk.

Clerk Messaging for internal communication. Send messages to all or individual Clerks.
Messages will be seen:
- when logging on to the system (new messages only).
- when clocking in (new and old messages).
- when selecting Clerk Messages from the Utility menu.

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software

Department, Category and Location Databases:

There is virtually no limit to the number of Departments, Categories and Locations available in Keystroke; however, it is most practical to limit the number of Department, Category and Location groups to a minimum. Departments, Categories and Locations are commonly used for grouping and subtotaling Inventory items on reports.

Hash Departments (NonSale Items)

A NonSale Item is one that can be sold as a line item but whose amount is not included on some sales reports. This is done by adding up the amounts for line items marked as NonSale and storing the total in the NonSaleTotal on the transaction instead of adding them to the standard SubTotal field. The Transaction Total now includes the NonSaleTotal (as well as SubTotal, Sales Tax, etc.). Since these items are not included in the SubTotal amount, the Transaction Discount amount will not include them. Also, the cost of these items will not be included in the transaction's CostTotal field (or profit calculations). Cash registers sometimes refer to this feature as a Hash Department and the total as a Hash Total.

Click on images below for larger Department screenshots.

Click To View Keystroke Department Main Screen

Click To View Keystroke Department Custom Data Screen

Click on images above for larger Department screenshots.

Using Departments, Categories and Locations

Assign Departments, Categories and Locations quickly and easily via two indexed fields.
- Code (8 alphanumeric characters).
- Name (32 alphanumeric characters).

Scripts - assign Master Scripts to entire Departments, Categories or Locations (requires Keystroke Advanced POS)

NonSale - Any item that is attached to a department marked as a NonSale (Hash) Department will be treated as a NonSale Item.

Minimum Age - the age required to purchase items in the Department Category or Location (for liquor & tobacco sales).

Target Profit Margin (Applied as a percentage to Inventory items that have a $0.00 Base Price and Cost.).

Keystroke POS Point Of Sale Software

Keystroke POS Point of Sale Software

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